Why Island Catholic Schools

Discover the benefits of Catholic education and what makes ICS different

Catholic Schools In The 21st Century

Organization Structure

In the early 1950’s the Bishops of British Columbia anticipated public funding for Catholic schools and established a society in each diocese to own and operate schools. The society established for this purpose on Vancouver Island is the Catholic Independent Schools, Diocese of Victoria (CISDV). The management of the Society rests with a Board of Directors comprised of the Bishop, the Vicar-General, a Chancellor and two persons elected by the membership of the Society at its Annual General Meeting. It governs four elementary schools and one high school, operating these facilities through a formal delegation of authority to the local school councils.

Catholic Education in BC – this 2013 provincial document provides the history on Catholic Schools in BC.


As recipients of public funds, all Catholic Independent Schools are regularly reviewed by BC Ministry of Education inspectors to ensure that all aspects of the schools are being administered and operated according to the Independent Schools Act of British Columbia.


The receipt of government funding in 1977 raised the profile of the Society. Accountability in both financial and academic matters demanded a greater degree of coordination among the schools. In 1990 the present level of funding was established at 50% of the operating costs for the public schools. No government funding is available for the building of Catholic school facilities. To remain viable, the schools charge yearly tuitions. For more information about these fees, please contact the school principal directly. Financial assistance is available to help qualified families meet these financial obligations.

The Catholic School Shares In The Mission of the Church

The Church has a mandate to proclaim the Good News, to “make disciples of all nations” (MATT 28:19), and to renew all things in Christ. The Catholic school is the lifeline of the Church and an essential instrument for the spreading and deepening of the faith, for the expansion of Christianity and the Kingdom of God. In partnership with the family and the parish, the Catholic school shares in the saving mission of the Church by teaching Christian truth. Its students are educated to promote effectively the welfare of the earthly city and to contribute to the growth of God’s reign here on earth. The graduates of the Catholic school are called to become part of “the saving leaven of the human family” (BC Catholic Bishops, July 05, 1994).

What Makes A Catholic School Different?

“From the first moment a student sets foot in a Catholic school, he or she ought to have the impression of entering a new environment, one illumined by the light of faith and having unique characteristics.”

Religious Dimensions of a Catholic School, Rome, 1998

About Catholic Education

The following are four of the distinctive traits that contribute to the culture or ethos of a Catholic school:

A Catholic school pursues the same academic goals as other schools as it strives to assist students to achieve success in the traditional academic disciplines. Catholic schools follow the prescribed British Columbia provincial curriculum, and includes as part of the core curriculum a program of religious education approved by the local bishop.
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