Our School

Catholic Education in the Alberni Valley

About Our Programs

St. John Paul II Catholic School follows the prescribed curriculum as outlined by the B.C. Ministry of Education.


All teaching staff are certified and have completed a Bachelor of Education degree. We offer a vigorous academic program aimed at meeting the needs of all students. Religion and French are taught in all grades.

Collaboration is key at St. JPII. Our administration, classroom teachers, specialists, and education assistants work together to develop programs best suited to each child.

All the student resources, equipment, and supplies are new and up to date. Our school is networked and wireless. Our computer lab has a class set of dual screened PC’s and a projector with a screen for demonstrations. Students can save their work on their own desktops and then, if necessary, complete it in their classroom. Each classroom is equipped with various devices, such as: smartboards, computers, laptops, iPads, and printers. We also have a mobile lab that is used by the intermediate classes.

Fine Arts

St. John Paul II Catholic School offers opportunities for students to develop their skills and talents in all areas of Fine Arts in both the classroom and in whole school settings. In the classroom; music, drama, visual arts, and dance are taught at each grade level. These skills are integrated in several other subject areas.

Our hallways feature displays of artwork and projects produced by the students.

Various classes will take their singing voices to several of the local Senior’s homes. The entire student body participates in our weekly assemblies and our monthly Eucharistic Celebration. Our biggest Fine Arts presentation is shared at our popular annual Christmas concert.


We offer a well rounded program of athletics at St. JPII. Each class has several timetabled PE classes. They participate in a minimum of 30 minutes of daily physical activity. Students also take advantage of the local facilities and participate in swimming, gymnastics, and curling.

We have a large, well equipped gym. Each classroom has a bin of sports equipment for use at recess and noon hour.

Outside, the students have a large playing area both on grass and on blacktop. There is a basketball hoop, tetherball, monkey bars, swings, teeter totter, sandboxes, three climbing apparatus’, an outdoor classroom and a ricochet pit.

Our senior students have participated in leadership workshops through Action Schools.

Extra curricular sports are offered at various grade levels throughout the year. We participate in SD#70 sports events as well as the Island Catholic School tournaments. Some of the sports include: cross-country, floor hockey, volleyball, basketball, softball, track & field, and badminton.

Skills, team effort, sportsmanship, and fun are all emphasized in our athletics program.

Beliefs & Values

Mission Statement

St. John Paul II Catholic School is a diverse and inclusive faith-based learning community rooted in Scripture and the traditions of the Church. Our mission is to provide a safe and loving environment, which enables each child to develop spiritually, emotionally, socially, physically, intellectually, and artistically. We are called to celebrate and nurture the God-given talents of each student as we serve with excellence in the light of Christ.


St. John Paul II Catholic School believes in educating the whole child within a loving environment. Our curriculum integrates the approved BC Ministry of Education learning outcomes with Christian values grounded in the Catholic faith. We provide opportunities for students develop their potential in all areas. We encourage our students to reach for high standards and to develop self-discipline. We foster respect and love for all of God’s cration. At St.JPII, we “learn, serve, lead and succeed”.


We are committed to sharing the values Jesus modelled. As a Catholic learning community, we value:

Love, Excellence, Relationships, Community,  Well-being,  Faithfulness, and Diversity


All the students participate in religion classes, daily prayer, monthly liturgies, special events, and service projects.

Faith Program: Our religion program consists of the Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ and Fully Alive series. Both of these texts emphasize gospel values of love, respect, and service to our neighbours. Each class takes a turn to help prepare for a monthly liturgy . Our parish priest, Fr. Michael Tran, makes weekly visits to the school and his presence and example is integral to our religion program.

Prayer:  We open our day with prayer, which is often student led.  We also have other opportunities for prayer during the day with grace before meals, prayer services within our religion program, and at weekly assemblies.

Special Events:   All Saints Day celebration, Advent and Lent activities, as well as special assemblies for Remembrance Day and Pope John Paul II.

Service Projects:  We support a foster child who lives in the Bolivia. We also support the St. Vincent de Paul Society which is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the poor.  We collect items for their food bank; toiletries; and warm clothing such as mitts and toques; and we participate annually in a World Food Day Walk. The children have buddies within the school and they cooperate with each other on monthly projects.  Various classes also visit the elderly at Senior’s facilities near our school.

Sacrament Programs:  The school supports the sacramental programs offered by the Holy Family/Notre Dame parish.  Parent/child evenings are a vital part of the Confirmation, First Communion, and Reconciliation programs.  It is the parent’s responsibility to encourage frequent reception of the sacraments.

Our School Day

8:15am Supervision begins outside
8:40am First bell rings and students line up to come in
8:45am Opening prayer and classes begin
10:10am Recess
10:30am Classes begin
11:55am Play outside. Extra curricular lunch time activities.
12:25pm Eat Lunch
12:45pm Classes begin
3:00pm Dismissal
3:15pm Outside supervision ends
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